Integrative Energy Medicine

Kim is currently fully booked for healing sessions until 2024 and is not accepting new clients for healing at this time. 

There’s much more to healing than mere treatment of the physical body. The subtle energy system, both internal and external, governs all activity throughout the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. For ultimate health, it’s essential to focus beyond the physical body and into the energetic self.

    • Adults, children, animals
    • Those with chronic and acute illness, pain, cancer, and PTSD
    • Those undergoing surgery
    • Those who desire personal growth
    • Those who aim for deep relaxation
    • Those who would like to learn more about themselves by establishing a deeper connection and heightened awareness of their energy system.


I have worked with a diverse range of clients including athletes, artists, physicians, educators, the elderly, entrepreneurs, animals, prenatal women, youth, and an assortment of wellness teams. My innovative methods, developed over years of intense study, are designed to help anyone on a transitional journey towards greater wellness and a more fulfilling life.

The enhancement of vital energy (known as qi in China, prana in India, and ki in Japan), can greatly assist the bio-electromagnetic energy field which surrounds and flows throughout the body. In Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, disease is often thought to originate from this energetic body, subsequently manifesting into physical form. Integrative Energy Medicine operates from the same principle.

Integrative Energy Medicine is a method of deep healing. This biofield-based therapeutic practice focuses on healing at the source of ailments, and the connected system of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. As in Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, the energy matrix of chakras, marmas, nadis, meridians, associated sites, junctions, pathways, and vibrations, are all involved.

My approach is grounded in compassion and encouragement and is practised in a way that is professional and relaxed. My gift for healing and extensive training enables me to facilitate activity within the auric structure, in order to provide you with the most complete results.

The energy which flows through me affects healing on many levels. I am a conduit for this divine force.

Integrative Energy Medicine is both a preventative as well as a restorative practice. Healing intervention can take place before, during or after a complaint has manifested.

On a physical level, treatment can be focused to reduce the reparative time of broken bones, injuries, surgical incisions, sutures, and burns. In addition, better circulation, detoxification, relaxed breathing, increased haemoglobin count, enhancement and revitalisation of the immune system, and pain reduction are all possible benefits of Energy Healing. Following an accident, or shock to the body, mind, or emotions, and before, during, and/or after surgery, are all good times to receive treatment. Through the practise of Energy Healing, slight imbalances can be resolved before manifesting into more serious conditions.

Accumulated emotions, stress, trauma, mental and psychic disturbances can be gently brought into balance with Integrative Energy Medicine, and in turn, one’s overall health can be improved by encouraging natural peace and clarity.

The deep relaxation often experienced with Integrative Energy Medicine ignites the relaxation response and promotes self-healing on every level.

My work supports and encourages the body’s own innate ability to heal itself.

The session is deeply experiential. Descriptions have included: euphoria, deep lasting relaxation, restful and rejuvenating altered states of consciousness, visions, dreams, powerful insights, flashbacks of withheld memories (as associated energy is released), emotional release, lightness, clarity, tingling, temperature changes, feeling re-energised, calmed, grounded, centred, and enjoyment of an overall state of well-being.

Healing will likely continue to unfold for 4 to 10 days after treatment. A sense of inner peace, increased energy, and/or elevated mood may be perceived on a surface level, while a deeper transformation is evolving.

Benefits may include: an improvement in the presenting concern, improved awareness, faster healing at psychophysical levels, a greater ability to function mentally and emotionally, greater self-acceptance, greater self-empowerment, high-level wellness, attunement to one’s spirit and emotions, accelerated personal process and growth, anxiety reduction, and enhanced resilience to stress.

Healing can take place immediately and gradually over several sessions. It is not always possible to predict how rapidly a particular condition will improve as many variables are involved. The number of healing sessions required for the maximum benefit may vary. I will openly tell you if Integrative Energy Medicine is not appropriate for your condition. Active engagement in a healthy lifestyle while receiving any complementary medical treatment will help facilitate the best results.

In a therapeutic atmosphere that is productive, respectful, and safe, your highest interests are supported. Using advanced methods jointly with my unique abilities and precise intention, my work is able to access the energetic core of your issues, facilitating the deepest possible healing within the shortest length of time.

Fully clothed, the recipient lies on a massage table and breathes into the body allowing for overall awareness and relaxation.

Breathing encourages healing by allowing energy to flow. My hands are lightly placed on the body and the energy field at certain points throughout the session to facilitate the healing, balancing, clearing, harmonising, strengthening, and repairing of the energy system.

The various frequencies of energy that flow through me are modulated to ensure that your subtle energy field and the rapidity of development are respected, and your session is always comfortable.

Prior to concluding the session, you may be invited to an optional sharing of experience and any supplementary spiritual information which may have been made available to me to express to you may be imparted.

Clients may notice changes in their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves, and are advised to rest, drink water, and continue wellness practises in order to safely and fully integrate the changes which have been energetically applied.

It is recommended that all treatments prescribed by medical practitioners be continued while receiving Integrative Energy Medicine sessions.

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